A unique savings scheme wherein, the daily income earners can park their surplus funds with attractive returns. This scheme was introduced to help daily wage earners, small traders and farmers to inculcate a saving habits and also as a means to fund their bigger capital requirements, such as a wedding, home buying, vehicle purchase etc.
Features & Benefits
- A unique savings scheme wherein, the daily income earners can park their surplus funds.
- An authorized agent of the Company collects the daily deposits from the customer’s doorstep.
- A scheme which suits both the rich a poor alike.
- An ideal product for those who are into business/self-employment.
- Premature closure with applicable penal cuts possible.
- Nomination Facility available.
Terms and Conditions
- BONGIYO DHANSANCHOY NIDHI LIMITED offers DAILY DEPOSIT SCHEME to our enrolled members. Below are some terms & conditions if you too want to be a part: The minimum amount accepted for deposit is Rs. 100/- The deposits made in the name of a minor may be operated upon or withdrawn by the person making the deposit and representing the minor as his/her guardian. In case of demise of such guardian, any other person claiming as guardian shall not be entitled to operate upon or withdraw the deposit unless permitted by the Board of Directors, which shall be at their discretion. Money paid to such guardians shall afford a complete discharge to the Fund for payment of the deposit and shall not be questioned by minor or by anyone on his/her behalf.
The DAILY DEPOSIT SCHEME shall be accepted for a minimum period of 1 year to a maximum period of 5 years. Payment mode will be either in cash or bank transfer Irregular deposits are not entitled to pre-mature payment. At the time of maturity, the specimen signature of the member shall be tallied. The company will repay the principal amount and interest to a nominee, in case of death of the depositor.